grammatical expression: to do with


I have another very common expression that we use in English today: “to do with”. This expression is used to talk about something that is connected to someone or something else. For example:

Why did you suddenly start talking about cars? That has nothing to do with what we’re discussing.

I’m not in the marketing department, but my job has a lot to do with marketing.

I don’t have anything to do with the ABC project, so maybe you should talk to someone else.

A: I’d like to talk to you about Bill’s idea about improving the office.

B: Why? What has his idea got to do with me?

In English, we can say “have to do with” or “have got to do with” (as in the last example). Both “have” and “have got” mean the same thing, but “have got” is more commonly used in conversation while “have” is used in both conversation and writing.

If you have trouble remembering this expression, just think about the old Tina Turner song, “What’s Love Got To Do With It?”.  🙂

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