Michael (Mike) Cadman

Michael (Mike) Cadman is the author of this blog. He is a Canadian born English teacher and writer who currently lives in Tokyo, Japan. Before moving to Japan, Mike lived for six years in South Korea where he also taught English.

He graduated from the University of Calgary with a BA in French and also received a CELTA certificate for teaching English from Cambridge University. Mike has a great interest in languages and linguistics; he has studied a little Korean in addition to French and is currently studying Japanese.

Mike decided to start this blog in order to help learners of English to improve their language skills by teaching more complex structures and expressions. He hopes that many people will enjoy the blog and learn from it.


  1. justin Said:

    great idea mike!

    • Clem Roberts Said:

      yes — excellent idea indeed

  2. U-key (met at 7-11) Said:

    It’s sooooo benefit !
    I will earnestly study English all over again from today.
    Can I question when I can’t understand words,sentences?

    • Hi there!

      Yes, of course you can ask me anything! I hope my blog will help you a lot!

  3. william Said:

    Hi Mike,
    it is my first time to come to your blog. Really good. You are so helpful.
    I am Chinese, and i like English very much! I hope i can learn more from here.

  4. ShadowTwin Said:

    Hey Mike,
    Thanks so much for this blog, it really is a great work, i totally love it. Hope you’ll think about making a blog to teach Japanese ;D .. i have a question if you don’t mind: what does ” in scale of one detain ” mean? i think it’s an expression or something..
    Thank you very much.

    • Hi there.

      Thanks for the nice compliment. I appreciate it. Anyway, as to your question, I’m afraid I’ve never heard the expression “in scale of one detain”. I looked for it on the Internet but could find no references to it at all. Are you sure it’s the correct expression? Where did you hear it?


      • ShadowTwin Said:

        hey again Mike, u r most welcome..about my question, there was a huge mistake..it’s ”in scale of one to ten” and not ”detain” as i heard it =p .. that’s why we didnt find it anywhere> no wonder lol .. thanks for ur help..take care and wish u a great day.

  5. Noah Said:

    Hello Mike,

    Great blog. Thank you very much for your generous work for learners. Including me, lots of us find it very difficult at some point whether what we say is correct or wrong. We can’t be native speakers of English any more, but to be like a native is our goal. Your blog has given us a great support to achieve our dream!! Keep up your wonderful work! Definitely beneficial and insightful for learners!

  6. Motoko Said:

    Hello Mike

    Thank you for your helpful blog.
    Today,I have a request for your blog entry.I have a friend form England,who gives me a e-mails sometimes.She sometimes use ‘meantime’ or ‘In the meantime’ in e-mail.I looked up in my dictiosary and an on-line dictionary.I think I kind of understand,however,I’d like you to add your blog entry sometime.
    I’m looking forward to read your excellent explanation as usual.


  7. berhanu Said:

    it is totally helpeful,really love it.good job mike

    i just got it from google while i wanted to know the difference between “put on”and wear,takeoff”.it just directed me to ur blog.it is in my favorite list now.

  8. takashi Said:

    I just want to say that your blog is fun to read and very educational.
    Thank you so much.

  9. Lan Dawei Said:

    It is good that there are blogs like this who help people learning English to learn the idiomatic phrases of the language. Idiom are not only commonplace in a language, but they are a window into how the speakers of that language think.

    English is very rich in idiomatic phrases. Keep up the good work!

  10. Naho Said:

    Hello, Mike.
    I am Naho . I live in Kyoto,
    I would like to be one of your reader of your excellent blog.
    May I?

    Happy New year!!

    • Hello Naho.

      Thank you for writing in. I would be very happy if you became one of my readers. I hope my blog can help you.

      Happy New Year to you too!


  11. cipta-ayu Said:

    hi mike…
    I’ve just started teaching english in indonesia for like 6 months, actually, I found your blog by accident when i was serching for the diffrence between all, whole, every, each. And i was directly in love with the way you explain things :)) somehow you make it sounds very simple. thank you soo much for giving me such an enlightment. Wish you a great success in the future

  12. Henry Chen Said:

    Hi Mike,

    May I ask you some of my English questions? where can I post them? Thank you in advance.


  13. Maria Said:

    Hey, Mike!

    Amazing blog. I just found it. It really helps to understand some things.

    Thank you for doing this.
    Wish you any luck.

  14. Yoshino Said:

    A friend of mine taught me this blog.
    It helps me a lot to study English.


  15. Pimousse Said:

    Your blog is amazing !

    Thank you so much.

  16. Keisuke Said:

    this blog is such a help for me, I have to say a word…amazing!!
    I sometime find myself thinking of a way how I can tell you everyday-Japanese in English. Everything I’ve come up with is sure to be here.

    Thank you so much.

  17. KL Said:

    Hi Mike,
    Possible you can explain the difference between umpire and referee. I did search from internet and those explains looks so confused.
    Thank you very much,

  18. Zhengke Said:

    Mike, this is the most helpful English learning blog I’ve ever come across. I’m learning the words and phrases entry by entry with the method you mentioned in your blog: first to memorize the sentences, then change the small details to make my own sentences.
    I hope I can be a fluent English speaker one day.

    • Hi there.

      Thank you for the wonderful compliment! I’m really glad that you like my blog! And don’t worry, I’m sure you will be completely fluent one day if you keep going the way you have been!


  19. Jerry Said:

    I learned some idioms today and I appreciate it. Welcome to Taiwan below Japan!!

  20. Mizlin Said:


    I am Japanese live in Tokyo.
    I thihk your blog is great.
    I am happy I find your blog.


  21. faisal hassan Said:

    I like your blog. I would like to thank you to guide about English language. Is there any possibility that we could contact you on Skype, yahoo or facebook. I f we need any help, could you help us online. Thanks and best of luck.

    • Hi there. I’m glad you like my blog! If you would like online help, I am offering English lessons through email. I send 16 lessons a month (four times a week) plus writing assignments which I correct and send back through email. You can also get a voice recording of each lesson. In addition, if people have other questions which they would like me to answer, I’m happy to do that as well. The website for my email lessons is:


      If you have any questions, please let me know.


  22. Elaine Said:

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for your all of information!
    Could you explain what “you name it” means.
    I heard this from TOEFL listening practice lecture.
    Im still confused about the meaning~
    Thank you so much!

    • Hi there.

      I wrote a blog about “you name it” on March 13, 2011. I hope it helps you to understand that expression.


  23. heo moi Said:

    thank you very much. Your blog is very helpful.

  24. Lori Said:

    I’m a private TESOL teacher in Australia, but am having a problem explaining the subtle difference between Had and Had had to a student. How can I explain the slight difference in meaning between the sentences “We had cattle in the past but sold them” and “We’d had cattle in the past but sold them.”?

    • Hi there. I just wrote a new entry today that I hope will answer your question. Take care. Mike

  25. 石淇溶 Said:

    hello Mike,
    I really like your blog. It’s really helpful in clearing up my confusion about lots of words and phrases.
    Here’s a little request from me. Can you tell me the difference between “run off” and “run away” when I’m referring somebody goes away from something.

    Thank you!

    • I would say “run off” sounds like the person is escaping in order to find something or have a positive experience and “run away” sounds like they are escaping to avoid a negative experience they don’t like.

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