Archive for June 2, 2011

grammatical expression: last but not least


This week’s grammatical expression is “last but not least”, and we use it when we are introducing the last person or group in a series. It’s like saying, this is the last person or group, but they are not the least important one even though they are last. For example:

Thank you Nancy for your presentation. And last but not least, we have Edward, and he will be giving a presentation about global economics.

There will be three bands playing: First, Drive Shaft will play; then, we will hear a song from The Ravens and, last but not least, The Paper Dolls will play some of their songs.

I ate a lot of great food at the party. I had Bill’s potato salad, Susan’s tomato soup and, last but not least, Artie’s fried chicken. They were all delicious.

We use this expression in order to be polite to the last person or group and not make them feel badly about being last.